We have had a few exciting first's here at the Wright house this last week.
The first one.....
Gage & Kelton started Pre-School.
I can't believe it, I have mixed emotions about this they are my babies & shouldn't be growing up so fast.
But I am so excited for them & they LOVE it, it helps that they know there teacher & that she is our neighbor & my good old high school friend that I am now in YW with.
They love her....Thanks Jamie for making this adjustment SO much easier for me!
Here are my Cute Little Men on there 1st day of school.
I could hardly get them to stand still for a few pics they were so excited to get to school.
My cute little Gage.
The 2nd first we had this last week.....
We finally took the boys to Lagoon.
I wasn't sure if they would like the rides, but they are Fearless!!!!
Dad & Gage on Puff roller coaster.
Kelton is ready for the roller coaster!

I love these Boys all 3 of them!!!
They were so excited to ride the train.
Our last first this week will have pics & video coming soon.
My smallest little man has finally started walking!!!
He is so cute.
I love watching his little face and how proud he is when he starts following his big brothers around the house.
This one to I have mixed emotions about.
He is my baby & it makes me so sad to have him growing up so fast.
But I guess they all have to some time.
Here are a few new pics of my little man from his first birthday.