So for all of you out there that have been wondering for years, or maybe just months or weeks.
The answer is finally here...
YES I think I must be.
My husbands family owns a house boat in Lake Powell so we go go out there a couple times a summer.
This year the family only made it out once & the dates happened to be Aug 27th thru Sept 3rd.
Remember now I have a brand new baby & I had a C-Section.
So I told my husband that I would pass this year but that he should go & enjoy.
He was only going for about 4 or 5 days so I figured I could hold down the fort with two 2 year olds & a one month old. =)
This however is not the part that makes me CRAZY I can handle this pretty easily.
The husband left on thurs to go down with his family he drove my car with his sister so he could come home sunday night.
By thursday night I was having anxiety, not attacks just anxiety.
This is unusual for me I can be by myself & be ok.
(I have been a single mom before)
But for some reason I just couldn't shake it & it just kept getting worse as the night went on.
I finally said a prayer to help me know what to do.
I sat down to relax for a little bit after I put the boys to bed & I decided that I needed to start making a list of everything I needed to pack to take to Lake Powell.
YES I decided I was supposed to be with my husband.
So I called my brother in-law to see what time they were leaving in the morning & if I could follow them out.
(I would never have gone out with 3 babies if I didn't have someone to travel with)
I packed everything up and got to bed at about 2:30 we were leaving at 8:00.
I packed everything into the car the night before so all I had to do was get up & get us all showered & ready to go.
I did have to stop at the store to grab some formula just so make sure I wouldn't run out.
While I was there I grabbed the boys some snacks & me some Mt. Dew.
I was prepared for the whining & crying that I knew I would experience pretty much the whole way there.
I was AMAZED!!!
Baby only cried twice to eat & they were both times we were already stopped to eat or potty & my big boys didn't cry or whine the entire trip (about 350 miles).
Gage took 2 half hour naps & Kelton took one half hour nap they were awake pretty much the whole trip & they were so good.
I took lots of snacks, story books & some disney cds (thanks aunt nikki & uncle bucky)
We talked & sang songs & I was amazed & so proud of them.
It was a start to a very good vacation the boys had a ton of fun & dad was so excited that we were coming to be with him.

The boys had a good time they LOVE the water!

This smile is worth more than a thousand words!

All 3 of my boys are water boys.
Me not so much.
Here is some of the crew & the house boat.

We had a really fun beach for all the kids to play on.

Notice there are no pictures of Kelton on the beach.
He is my fish & wanted in the water the whole time.
He has figured out how to balance himself in his life jacket & doggie paddle all the while squealing with delight sticking his tongue out with a huge smile on his face.
It is the cutest thing ever!!!
Gage likes the water but he doesn't love it like Kelton does.
Gage would rather play in the dirt & sand with momma.
We made a cute little turtle but I didn't get a picture of it.
The boys loved jumping off the back of the house boat to daddy.

The boys waiting to go out boating
on uncle Rogers boat.

My big boys getting ready to go knee boarding.
Kelton's with daddy.

Gage is with his cousin Nate.

I didn't get any pictures of them while the boat was pulling them because I was videotaping them. I haven't downloaded the videos yet.
They love knee boarding they laugh & wave to me.
They are so cute out there my fearless little men!
Here's a few pics of daddy slalom skiing
and doing his thing.

Playing in the little boat with mommy.

Coleson relaxing in the air conditioned house boat.

My sweet boys after a long afternoon and a few mins of sitting still to watch a video.

Cousins are the best of buds.

The boys had so much fun playing with there cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents & mom & dad.
Oh and of course the water!!!
I am so glad that I decided to make the trek.
Oh & if your wondering about the ride home.
They were almost just as awesome.
Just a little bit of crying but nothing out of control & they were really tired we got on the road kind of late.
Thank you boys (All of my boys) for being so good to mommy & giving me some great memories!!!
The only down fall to the trip was that my 2 big kids couldn't make it.
Their dad wouldn't let them miss any school =(
I really missed you Court & Cody!!!