I hope that everyone had a wonderful easter holiday!
Ours was great but very busy.
We started Easter friday night at Jer's parents house.
We had an easter egg hunt & dinner with his family it was really fun & nice to spend time with them.
Jer's brother Jason & his family are in town until wed & it has been really nice seeing them.
We don't see them often enough.
Here are some pics of the boys collecting eggs.
Gage found some eggs.

kelton & his basket full of eggs.
Saturday was Jer's Grandpa's 90th Birthday Party.
So sat we headed down to American Fork to celebrate with family & friends.
It is a pretty place and they had a good turn out.
Grandpa was happy to see everyone & celebrate his birthday.
(Sorry no pics we were to busy chasing boys around).
Sunday was the busiest day of all at least for me it was.
The Easter Bunny made a stop here & the boys were so happy.
They got a ton of fun stuff and of course a lot of candy!
We played for a while then it was time to get ready for church.
We attended Jer's parents ward for sacrament because Jer's dad had a Very Big Surprise for everyone!
He was called as the new Bishop in his Ward!!!
We are so proud of you Grandpa Curtis they could not have picked a better man for the job!
We have full belief that you will make an incredible Bishop.
We Love you & Support you fully!
Here are a few pics of the boys in there church easter outfits.
My Handsome little Gage.
My handsome little Kelton (aka. Woo Woo)
My 2 little men together, it's so hard to get them both to sit still at the same time to get them both in a picture.
Then for me it was off to my own ward to teach my Young Women's lesson.
While Jer went to his parents house with the boys.
At 5 we went to my moms house for her Easter egg hunt & dinner with my family.
It's always nice to get together with my family I love them all so much.
The kids all had a blast hunting for eggs.
Kelton collecting his eggs.
Gage searching.

I found a pink one!!!

Gage taking a break.

Gage finally finding some eggs.

Kelton surprised Gage is finding eggs.

Gage showing momma his loot.
Oh & here is a picture of me so you can see my baby bump growing.
(don't laugh it's not a great picture)
All in all we had a very busy, but very wonderful easter weekend.
I hope you all enjoyed yours as much!!!