My Music


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

To my 2 very special sisters.

I found this video on Leeann's blog.
It had me crying within the first few seconds.

I would like to dedicate it to my 2 very special sisters Meagan & Nikki.
I can't even begin to know what they have both been through in there lives but I am very proud of the amazing women that they both are.

Meagan placed her sweet little angel boy with LDS Family Services
when she was just 16 years old, I didn't know her then but I have read her story about her pregnancy & placement & I cried the entire story.
Anyone who can be so UNSELFISH as to give a child a better life than they know they can give that child themselves is AMAZING to me.
She knew she could love her little boy and give him the basics, but she wanted him to have  more than that.  
She wanted him to have a Family with a  mom & a dad.
So she placed him with an amazing family that loves & cherishes him as much as she does. 

My sweet sister Nikki is on the other end of the spectrum her & my brother have been trying to conceive for a few years now with surgeries and meds & no luck.
They both discussed wanting to adopt someday before they were married and they decided that it was time a few months ago.
They also went through LDS Family Services to do there adoption.
They have done all the steps I believe that are necessary & they just finished there in depth interviews on monday 1 hour each separate & 1 hour together.
I believe there profile can now be posted for mothers to look at.
Our family is so excited for them, they really are the best & any mother who chooses them is very lucky there child will be loved by many.
We just can't wait until that time comes.

Meagan & Nikki are both amazing women to me & I am proud to call them both my sisters!  I Love you Both very much!


Anonymous said...

So you made me cry with both your posts today!! You having amazing sisters but I am sure they realize they have an amazing sister in you! You are such a awesome person Tina, you have the biggest heart I know!

Bonnie the Boss said...

I hope and pray things go well for Bucky and Nikki! They are in my prayers.

Are You Serious! said...

♡ I have 2 sisters too that haven't been able to get prenant and it's just crazy! This song totally hits home for my family too! Thanks for posting it! ;)

Waiting for the One=-) said...

Nothing like a good cry before bed. Thank you Tina for everything you and the family does for us. I don't know what I have done to deserve such wonderful people in my life. I married into the most wonderful, crazy family I could ever ask for. All of our frinds are wonderful too, I consider them part of the f
We love you!

Coach B. said...

Are you kidding me!!!???? Holy crap, I haven't cried like that since the year I gave up Ammon for adoption. Thanks for the post Tina. I have repressed a lot of feelings that I had for him and you sure made them come out.

Adoption was the best thing I ever did for the both of us. He is with the neatest family and I have a wonderful husband, daughter, and career that wouldn't have been possible without adoption.

You're the best sis ever.

Love ya! But stop making me sob :)

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