My Music


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

20 Year Reunion!

This weekend was so much fun it was my 20 year reunion.
(I know I just told my age, but I'm ok with that.)
Friday night they had a free alumni night at good old Roy High School.
It was so much fun to see friends that I hadn't seen since school, & some that I see once in awhile.
Somebody found a video that one of the teachers took of our 3 years in school it had been lost for like 20 years so that was really fun to watch.
We took a tour of our good old school & some things haven't changed at all.
Just like some of the people.
Sat we had a picnic for families & sat night we had the big dinner.
I had so much fun I can't wait until the next one.

Me & my good friend Lisa.

Me & my friends, ya we're freaks!
Tonia, Me, Chrystal, & Bonnie.

Me & more friends!
Everyone from Roy Jr. High School.
& Brandon McDowell.
( He would be the freak on the top that is Rockin On!)

Everyone from Roy Elementary.

I ordered the picture cd so I will post more pictures later.
If you have a chance to go to your reunion I highly recommend that you do.
It will be as fun as you want to make it!
Mine was a Blast!


Are You Serious! said...

♥ It looks like you guys all had fun! :)

John Deere Mom said...

Glad you had such a great time! We recently had our 10 year reunion, but I didn't go. Maybe the 20th...but then again, maybe not. :)

Anonymous said...

How cute are those pictures. I haven't been to a reunion yet. I was going to go to the 10 with Missy, I'm not even sure if she went but I didn't. I loved Roy High but seeing some of those people scare me.. I'm glad you went and had such a good time.

Danyele Easterhaus said...

so much fun! i had my hs 20 yr last year and it was so fun to see my friends. good pics! glad u still had fun together!

Miller's said...

That is so funny, I know a couple people in those pics. My friend Nicole Park (married name) I worked with at Joy's and I also knew Lisa from working with her at Joy's Too. It's such a small world. I'm excited to see you at bunco tonight.

Waiting for the One=-) said...

Im glad you went and had a good time. I have never been to any reunions. You will have to share more with me later.

Claremont First Ward said...

Wait a minute, you're friends with Bonnie?

Tinabean said...

I didn't go to my 5 or 10 year so I was excited about 20.
I think after 20 years people grow up enough that it isn't so clicky.

Ya Angie I'm friends with Bonnie aka" Boobs"
We've been friends since we were little we went to different elem & jr highs but met up in high school.
Her parents live by my grandma so I used to always go play with her growing up.
She is one AMAZING WOMAN!!!

Jana and Family said...

I didn't even hear about the reunion until the day before. I still don't even know where it was. I am just working as a lunch lady, and taking care of my fam. I don't ever even see anyone from school, and I don't even live that far. I ended up in West Point.

Leeann said...

Okay....I'm good at math...20 year reunion...makes you about 28, right? *wink*
I have to say, that you look FABULOUS! I hope I look that good at my 20 year reunion...heck...or my 10th! :)

Mom said...

My husband's 20 year is coming up I can't wait to go with him. I love hearing the stories of his!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had fun! Neat to see all those from your past...

leezee52 said...

Thanks so much for visiting me on my special day…I could hardly sleep last night I was so excited!

Lee :)

Aubrey said...

I wasn't able to go to my 10 year but my 20 year will be in 2012. I can't wait!

My little sis just went to her 10 year and had a great time!

Loved looking at your pictures. Looks like a good time was had by all!

"The Queen in Residence" said...

Saw youon BATW and wanted to say howdy to another Utah blogger.

Jen Vesper said...

He he he..I didn't even see Tonia there. She was married to my cousin. Small world.

Kevin and Corinne said...

K so Nicole Park is in the 3rd pic down and she is in the top right. She has a reddish shirt on and short brown hair.

Jen Vesper said...

It was Danny. Is she married again? That is awesome if she is. Last I heard Danny was married and divorced again?? I don't see them a ton even though my dad still lives right behind his parents.

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